We have more than 500 voices, to check samples for all of them, do sign up for free account at GloVoice. Also, you will get free credits on sign up to try our services.

GloVoice Voice Samples

AI Voice samples for some of our voices

These are random AI samples from our service. To checkout samples for all 500+ voices, do create free account at - app.glovoice.com/auth/signup

English US - Female - Melisandre - AI Voice

English US - Male - Samwell - AI Voice

English US - Male - Jacob - AI Voice

English US - Female - Olenna - AI Voice

English UK - Female - Sophie - AI Voice

English UK - Male - Kit - AI Voice

Spanish Spain - Female - Benedetta - AI Voice

Spanish Spain - Male - Mario - AI Voice

French France - Female - Juliette - AI Voice

French France - Male - Alan - AI Voice

Hindi India - Female - Sangita - AI Voice

Hindi India - Female - Yutika - AI Voice

Hindi India - Male - Subhash - AI Voice